1) In 2013 I ran an Indiegogo campaign to write a travel guide to the Balkans, Turkey, and the Caucasus. This guidebook is intended to be 1) not boring and 2) set aside rather than taken with you on your trip. I believe that people need inspiration and stories, and perhaps just a few tips, to make adventures possible–and having your own adventures with your friends is what makes travel magical. The most fun kind of travel in my experience throws you outside of your comfort zone, and you’ll remember all the terrible and glorious surprises more than you’ll remember crowding around at the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa. My guidebook will teach you how to be dirty, spontaneous, adventurous, and lost.

If you want Discount Travel Guide, it’s right now only available as an ebook on Amazon or Smashwords. I have like twelve print copies left at my dad’s house in Boston, so that’s off the table for now. But, I am planning on making a new edition so there will be new updated travel stuff as well as better kindle formatting. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

2) I’m writing a book about Istanbul and the stuff I did here last year (2016) and it’s coming out at the end of March. It’s called East meets West meets You and Me and it’s a story about having delusions of reinventing oneself, and then actually doing it completely by accident, all while living in a chaotic wonderland in the modern middle east. There’s song and dance, there’s terrorism, there’s a giant UFO, there’s a lizardman, there’s cheerful neighborhood gypsies, there’s a truly staggering amount of drinking. I am SUPER EXCITED to share it with you.

If you wanna order East meets West meets You and Me in paper form, go ahead and click the paypal button below and you can pay me fifteen bucks by card. (Ten for the book, five for mailing it across the Atlantic. If you’re in Turkey the price is 25 liras.) Whee! Make sure to give me your address. I love you.


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